Lunchly Was Never Going to Make It
Lunchly is a new influencer-led brand which aims to be a healthier competitor to Lunchables, the ready-made meal kits aimed at replacing children’s lunches. Was Lunchly actually going to be a healthier lunch option?

Blue Zones Are Fake: Lying About Your Age For Profit
“Blue Zones” are regions of the Earth where people supposedly live much longer than average, contrary to all expectation. Can we learn any lessons from them? But more importantly - are they even real?

The Lie of 1% Better Everyday For Fitness
"1% better every day" is a common saying for how we improve when learning a new skill or picking up a fitness routine, but this is a very misguided effort to show how it really works, and the reality is that this perspective can do more harm than good.

You (probably) don't need to lose weight
Most people don't need to lose weight to get in shape. Here's what they need instead.

Why I'm Bigger And Stronger In My 30's Than My 20's
I'm bigger and stronger in my 30's than my 20's - and that's because I now have an advantage that I didn't have back then.