Maximize your gains in strength, muscle, and endurance with our package of customized programs.
The GAINS paid program bundle contains fifteen different 16-week workout programs designed to fit every kind of exerciser, from beginner to expert, no matter your ability level and training goals.
Just $10 for the whole package.
What you get in this bundle:
16 Week Programs - All programs run for 16 weeks, with options and support for scaling afterwards.
Programs for Everyone - 15 different programs covering all training goals and available equipment types - size/physique, strength, endurance, dumbbell only and bodyweight only.
Easy to Progress - Workouts for beginner, intermediate, and advanced lifters, with advancing progression techniques to ensure consistent progress even for the most advanced of lifters.
Options to Train 2x-6x/Week - All programs are flexible on training frequency, allowing training frequencies between 2x-6x/week.
Try Before You Buy - These programs are extended versions of the GAINS Free Workout Programs, so you can download those first, try them out, and see if you like the format before buying.
No Risk - Full 30-day refund if you’re dissatisfied with your purchase.
Available Programs:
Strength - A gym-based program to maximize strength in your major barbell movements, suitable for those with the primary goal of building strength.
Size/Physique - A gym-based program for anyone looking to maximize their muscle mass - also recommended for weight loss.
Endurance - A bodyweight program requiring minimal equipment, focused on developing your cardiovascular endurance.
DB Only - This program only assumes the availability of dumbbells and a weight bench, and focuses on a good mix of strength and size. Ideal for home gym workouts, beginners, and those with less equipment available.
Bodyweight Only - This program is ideal for those who like to train bodyweight/calisthenics movements, and requires minimal equipment.
More To Come - More programs will be released in the future!
No risk, 100% money-back guarantee
I’m sure you'll love these programs. If you don't, though, I'll refund you 100%, within the first 30 days of purchase. There's no risk. Simply send me an email at adam@gains-af.com, and I’ll immediately refund your money, no questions asked.
Secure checkout with SSL through Stripe and PayPal
When you click the button below, we’ll direct you to a secure page where you can complete your order. You can use a PayPal account or a credit/debit card to checkout quickly and securely.
Instant download, spreadsheet format
The programs are created in a tracking spreadsheet and delivered to an email address given at the time of purchase. You will need a spreadsheet reader to open the programs, and you'll need some kind of unzip program or app to open the bundles, which are delivered in .zip archives.
Questions? Issues? Email me at adam@gains-af.com.
$10 for 15 Workout Programs
About the author
Adam Fisher is the owner and founder of gains.af, a website dedicated to fitness and self-improvement in all its forms. Adam earned his BA in English and Philosophy from Kalamazoo College, and earned an ACE personal trainer certification shortly after.
Adam is an experienced fitness coach and blogger who's been blogging and coaching since 2012, and lifting since 2006. He's written for numerous major health publications, including Personal Trainer Development Center, T-Nation, Bodybuilding.com, Fitocracy, Juggernaut Training Systems, and The Financial Diet.
During that time he has coached thousands of clients of all levels of fitness, including competitive powerlifters and older exercisers regaining the strength to walk up a flight of stairs. His own training revolves around bodybuilding and powerlifting, in which he’s competed, with a personal best deadlift of 550lbs at a bodyweight of 190lbs. During 2020, he shifted his training to focus on gymnastics and calisthenics due to the constraints of lockdown.
Adam writes about fitness, health, science, philosophy, personal finance, self-improvement, productivity, the good life, and everything else that interests him. When he's not writing or lifting, he's usually hanging out with his cats or feeding his video game addiction.