Most self-improvement Products are BS.
The Better book series is designed to cut through all that BS, and save you years of wasted time.
Just $30 $25 for 5 books.
Learn the basics of what it takes to get Bigger, Stronger, Healthier, Smarter, and Wiser.
Develop a conceptual system for analyzing and understanding solid self-improvement info, and how to sort the good wisdom from the useless BS.
Learn the basics of designing a world class, tailored fitness and self-improvement program you can use to unlock your inner potential.
Build a knowledge base that you can use to supercharge your self-improvement efforts.
I want my clients to succeed. That’s how I’ve built a business working with hundreds of fitness clients around the world. In the pursuit of helping everyone I can, I’ve had to learn a lot about how human bodies and minds work: and at the end of the day, no two people are alike. Learning to develop a program to improve your fitness and health, as well as your entire life, isn’t easy, and requires a lot of care and customization.
I wrote the Better book series to help distill my knowledge from a decade of coaching with hundreds of clients, fourteen years of exercising at an elite level, and a lifetime of dedication to self-improvement. I help my clients to become their best selves - I wrote these books so that I can give you the tools to become your best self on your own. Consider these manuals on how to be, well, better.
Many of the lessons in these books were learned the hard way - through my own failures, mistakes, and missteps over the years. I’ve tried every diet and supplement under the sun, every major training program, and every method I could - to be the best version of myself, and to help others along the same journey.
Along the way, I learned as much as I could, and wrote down everything I learned, as I learned it. The Better series is the culmination of that journey.
These books are designed to equip you with the information you need to succeed long-term.
There are an absolutely absurd number of books out there that lay out a specific training program, or a specific diet, or are just based on the author’s own experience. With Better, I tried to do something a bit different - to give you the tools to understand how training programs work, what matters, what doesn’t, and how to guarantee that you’ll see progress in your self-improvement efforts. The idea is to give you the knowledge you need to understand and assess other self-improvement information out there, so that you can sort the good from the bad.
My business has only succeeded because I care about my clients, and I want them to succeed. Likewise, I wrote this book because I want you to succeed - not in the short term, but for the rest of your life.
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Questions? Issues? Email me at adam@gains-af.com.
$30 $25 for 5 books
What's inside:
250+ pages on how to be Bigger, Stronger, Healthier, Smarter, and Wiser.
Each book is about 50 pages long.
Healthier is about how to be healthier - and I mean actually healthier, not about losing weight. This is one where there’s a lotta BS out there - and I cut through all the crap.
Stronger is about how to build strength to unleash your inner power. Training for strength is uniquely different from training for size, and requires a careful training approach to ensure that you’re not spinning your wheels. Easily understandable for beginners.
Bigger is about how to train to build muscle mass. Training, diet, recovery, and everything else - everything you need to pack on size, easily understandable for beginners.
Smarter is about how to be sort good information from bad information. Understanding basic concepts in the neuroscience of behavior, cognitive biases, logical fallacies, quality of evidence, reading scientific studies, and more - this is about how to better understand the world around you.
Wiser is a little more subtle - it’s about some of the important lessons that aren’t just about what you know, but about how to apply the things that you know. Sections on behavior, motivation, and mindset, lessons learned from years of managing my own mental health, and discussion of the importance of philosophy (fun fact - I got myself a philosophy degree, and this is what I did with it!) - that’s what you’ll find in Wiser.
43 pages. 9 sections. A training template. A list of high quality further resources.
Understand how to actually be healthier - no weight loss involved.
Avoid the common BS pitfalls - no crash diets, no wacky supplements, just the stuff that actually works.
Accessible and beneficial to people of all knowledge levels.
55 pages. 12 sections. A training template. A list of high quality further resources.
Training for strength is unique - if you’re not training with the right set and rep schemes, you’re not going to gain much strength.
Learn how to customize and adapt a program to meet your own needs and limitations, and unlock your strongest self.
Become a self-sufficient strength athlete, even starting as a complete beginner.
45 pages. 9 sections. A training template. A list of high quality further resources.
Training for size isn’t too complicated - but it’s often done wrong, in ways that slow down your progress for years. Muscle mass takes a while to show up even with the best approach, so any delay can mean the difference between “consistent progress” and “frustration and quitting”.
Learn how to customize and adapt a program to meet your own needs and limitations, and pack on more muscle than you thought you ever could.
Become a self-sufficient hypertrophy lifter, even starting as a complete beginner.
61 pages. 14 sections. A list of high quality further resources.
Getting smarter isn’t necessarily about being good at learning or memorizing facts - it’s about learning to think in new ways, avoid common biases and fallacies, learn to think skeptically and critically, and dedicate yourself to a lifetime of learning.
Yes, you can teach an old dog new tricks - anybody can benefit from these lessons to improve their own thinking patterns.
52 pages. 12 sections. A list of high quality further resources.
Being wiser is about more than just being smarter - it’s about mindset, motivation, the use (and usefulness!) of hard work, and understanding the limits of human rationality.
Again, anybody can benefit from the lessons in this book - whether a beginner self-improvement fan, or a seasoned expert.
About the author
Adam Fisher is the owner and founder of gains.af, a website dedicated to fitness and self-improvement in all its forms. Adam earned his BA in English and Philosophy from Kalamazoo College, and earned an ACE personal trainer certification shortly after.
Adam is an experienced fitness coach and blogger who's been blogging and coaching since 2012, and lifting since 2006. He's written for numerous major health publications, including Personal Trainer Development Center, T-Nation, Bodybuilding.com, Fitocracy, Juggernaut Training Systems, and The Financial Diet.
During that time he has coached hundreds of individuals of all levels of fitness, including competitive powerlifters and older exercisers regaining the strength to walk up a flight of stairs. His own training revolves around bodybuilding and powerlifting, in which he’s competed, with a personal best deadlift of 550lbs at a bodyweight of 190lbs. During 2020, he shifted his training to focus on gymnastics and calisthenics due to the constraints of lockdown.
Adam writes about fitness, health, science, philosophy, personal finance, self-improvement, productivity, the good life, and everything else that interests him. When he's not writing or lifting, he's usually hanging out with his cats or feeding his video game addiction.
$30 $25 for 5 books
Better - complete 5 Pack Bundle
Better is a series of 5 books designed to teach you all about self improvement. All books are designed to be useful for everybody, from beginners to advanced self-improvement enthusiasts.
I know, I know, you don't want to purchase these books without an idea of what's in them. Subscribe to the newsletter to get a FREE ebook including sampler chapters from each of the books in Better.
Purchase all 5 books of Better together for one low price.
$35 $25 for 5 books
Not looking to get all 5 books, but still interested in the books on exercise and training? The Body bundle has you covered.
Get FREE sampler chapters by signing up for our newsletter today.
Purchase Healthier, Stronger, and Bigger together for a reduced price.
$20 $15 for 3 books
Not looking to get all 5 books, but still interested in the books on intelligence and wisdom? The Mind bundle has you covered.
Get FREE sampler chapters by signing up for our newsletter today.
Purchase Smarter and Wiser together for a reduced price.
$15 $10 for 2 books
Questions? Issues? Email me at adam@gains-af.com