Everything you need to succeed in your fitness goals.

One low price.

The goal of the fitness archive is pretty simple - to give you everything you need to succeed in your fitness goals.

There are two reasons most people aren’t able to succeed in their fitness goals.

The first, is that you don’t have the necessary knowledge to create (or identify) the right kind of training program/diet to make progress towards your goals.

The second, is that you aren’t able to follow through, because you struggle without motivation, community, or support.

The simple approach for most people, is to hire a trainer or coach. But this option is expensive, and depending on your situation, you may not be able to find a good fit.

I created the Fitness Archive as a complete solution to this problem, at an affordable price.

$100 for lifetime access

What you get:

  • 10+ Video course giving you a comprehensive summary of everything you need to succeed: training, diet, motivation, assessment, troubleshooting, and program design.

    • New videos added on a monthly basis, expanding on advanced training topics.

  • 15+ Exercise program templates designed for a wide variety of skill levels, training goals, and available equipment.

    • All programs run for 16 weeks, and support training frequencies from 2x-6x/week.

    • Programs contain beginner, intermediate, and advanced versions, which you can use to suit your skill level.

    • New programs regularly added over time based on participant interest.

  • Access to the private Facebook group for community encouragement and support.

  • Access to weekly live video conference calls to answer your questions and dig deeper into topics of interest.

  • Ongoing support from myself & our coaches.

  • Lifetime access with one payment - you’ll get access to all current and future content, and infinite support, with no ongoing cost.

Why I built this program:

I want my clients to succeed. That’s how I’ve built a business working with hundreds of fitness clients around the world. In the pursuit of helping everyone I can, I’ve had to learn a lot about how human bodies and minds work: and at the end of the day, no two people are alike. Learning to develop a program to improve your fitness and health, as well as your entire life, isn’t easy, and requires a lot of care and customization.

I got into fitness at the age of 16, as a way of managing mental health issues that threatened my life. I was immediately hooked, and lifting weights became a way of managing and overcoming my depression. This created a chain reaction, igniting an interest in self-improvement, without which I’d never be able to become the person I am today.

Since then, I’ve tried everything - every training method, every silly diet, every fitness program - with the goal of finding out what works best. Along the way, I developed a strong interest in the science of training, and applied the latest scientific approaches to improve my approach further. All of this, has been in service of being the best possible version of myself.

I became a trainer and a coach, because I wanted to help others to see the same empowerment and passion that I got from fitness.

I’ve created the Fitness Archive as a solution to a problem - that many people simply can’t afford the cost of ongoing coaching, and aren’t able to succeed on their own.

The goal of the Fitness Archive is to provide a way to fill that gap, while serving as a way to catalog and organize the training methods I’ve refined over the years.

No risk, 100% money-back guarantee

I’m certain that you’ll love the Archive and find value in it. If you don't, though, I'll refund you 100% within the first 30 days of purchase. There's no risk. Simply send me an email at adam@gains-af.com, and I’ll immediately refund your money, no questions asked.


Secure checkout with SSL through Stripe and PayPal

When you click the button below, we’ll direct you to a secure page where you can complete your order. You can use a PayPal account or a credit/debit card to checkout quickly and securely.


Instant lifetime access

When you make your payment, you’ll be granted instant access to the Archive, where you can start viewing the video course, join the Facebook group, download your programs, and start participating in the weekly conference calls.


$100 for lifetime access

Questions? Issues? Email me at adam@gains-af.com.

What's inside: More detail on the Archive contents

I’ve created a publicly visible roadmap/planning document for the Fitness Archive, which you can view HERE if you want more info. The archive will be regularly expanded with new programs and videos over time.

At launch, the Archive contains:

  • 10 videos covering everything you need to know to create a program, stick to it, and achieve your desired goals. About 5 hours of video content in total:

    • Video 1 - Understanding stimulus, recovery, and adaptation - how human beings respond to exercise.

    • Video 2 - Understanding specificity and variation, and how to identify what training will enable you to progress.

    • Video 3 - How to structure a weekly training program.

    • Video 4 - Understanding soreness, the repeated bouts effect, and recovery.

    • Video 5 - Diet, proteins, fats, carbs, calories, and how to achieve weight gain or loss, as well as what approach is best for your goals.

    • Video 6 - How to train to get stronger.

    • Video 7 - How to train for muscle mass, physique, and weight loss.

    • Video 8 - Training for cardiovascular endurance and speed.

    • Video 9 - Advanced planning and goal setting - planning monthly and yearly training cycles.

    • Video 10 - How to assess progress and troubleshoot when you aren’t making progress.

    • New videos planned/added on a monthly basis - see roadmap for details. Members can request video topics for development/prioritization!

  • 15 training programs covering a variety of training goals and ability levels. All programs run for 16 weeks, and range in frequency from 2x-6x/week.

    • Bodyweight only, beginner/intermediate/advanced - great for home workouts with minimal equipment, and those interested in getting into advanced calisthenics training.

    • Dumbbell only, beginner/intermediate/advanced - great for home workouts with minimal equipment, or beginner gymgoers.

    • Barbell strength, beginner/intermediate/advanced - great for serious lifters looking to build well-rounded strength.

    • Physique, beginner/intermediate/advanced - great for gymgoers looking to build muscle mass, lean out and get shredded, or lose weight.

    • Endurance, beginner/intermediate/advanced - great for endurance focused exercisers looking to enhance their endurance in their chosen cardio activity.

    • New programs planned/added on a regular basis - see roadmap for details. Members can request new template types for development/prioritization, and you can reach out to us for guidance on adapting a program to meet your needs if you have any issues.

  • Access to the Facebook group and weekly live video conference calls for guidance and support, as well as email support from us.

About The Coach


Adam Fisher is the owner and founder of gains-af.com, a website dedicated to fitness and self-improvement in all its forms. Adam earned his BA in English and Philosophy from Kalamazoo College, and earned an ACE personal trainer certification shortly after.

Adam is an experienced fitness coach and blogger who's been blogging and coaching since 2012, and lifting since 2006. He's written for numerous major health publications, including Personal Trainer Development Center, T-Nation, Bodybuilding.com, Fitocracy, Juggernaut Training Systems, and The Financial Diet.

During that time he has coached hundreds of individuals of all levels of fitness, including competitive powerlifters and older exercisers regaining the strength to walk up a flight of stairs. His own training revolves around competitive bodybuilding and powerlifting.

Adam writes about fitness, health, science, philosophy, personal finance, self-improvement, productivity, the good life, and everything else that interests him. When he's not writing or lifting, he's usually hanging out with his cats or feeding his video game addiction.

$100 for lifetime access