The Creatine Is Irrelevant
Creatine is one of the most effective and well-researched supplements on the market - and for many people, it will be entirely useless.
The Goals You Set Are The Reason You Don't Succeed
Very often, goal setting is pitched as a motivational technique for achieving progress - but I would argue that the way most people go about this is completely wrong, and is more likely to actively harm your ability to progress.
Your Greatest Flaw Is Impatience - Understanding Feedback
Understanding feedback loops is crucial to understanding why we succeed or fail in any new endeavor - and most of us set ourselves up to fail, by simply not being patient enough.
Long Term Lessons - 14 Years Of Nonstop Lifting
I just realized I've been lifting for over 14 years - here are some of the lessons I've learned for long term fitness success.