Sleep Is The Fountain Of Youth
How often do you hear a personal trainer recommending more sleep? The reality is that better sleep is one of the single most important things you can do for your health, fitness, productivity, and intelligence.
There's No Such Thing As A Hardgainer
A non-responder is someone who, for some reason or another, isn’t seeing results from exercise. While most people think genetics are to blame, research tells us that true genetic non-responders are very rare, and points out a much more likely culprit.
You Can Do Your Best Work In Your Underwear
I’m tired of elitism about when the best time to work is, or when the best time to sleep is, or what the ideal daily schedule looks like. Here’s why you shouldn’t care.
Why You Can't Just "Move More" To Lose Weight
It’s commonly believed that we can just continually increase exercise (“move more”) to manage our weight - the reality is that this approach, while possible, is far from optimal.
How Frequently Should You Lift For Maximum Results?
How frequently should you train? How often should you train a particular body part per week? Frequency is a hot topic in fitness lately, and here’s what all the latest research tells us.