The Argument Against Debate
Philosophers have argued for the virtue of free speech and debate in the “marketplace of ideas” - good ideas evolve and improve, and bad ideas are disproven and forgotten. However, I think the rules have changed, and that debate is no longer as productive as it used to be.
The Magical Exercise For Preventing Lower Body Injury
One of the most common lower body injuries (hamstrings strains) is also, interestingly, one of the most preventable. A single exercise has been shown to reduce occurrence of this injury by as much as two thirds, as well as to be effective in preventing reinjury. Here’s what you can do to bulletproof your hamstrings.
What Are Diet Breaks? And How To Use Them.
What are diet breaks? The little-known concept of a diet break revolves around planned periods of going off diet - and now, research supports that diet breaks will even enhance your results versus continuous dieting.
Exercise Is A Science, But More Importantly, It's An Art
Writing an exercise or diet program is an art as much as a science. While we can use evidence as an important set of guidelines for avoiding bad practices, there’s a lot out there that we don’t know with any degree of certainty.
How Do We Get Injured?
How do people get injured? What can you do to prevent injury? What can you do to work around injury once you’ve got one? This post covers the general topic of injuries and what to do about them.