Fitness App Review: Sweatcoin
I tried out sweatcoin, an app that promises to pay you real money for the number of steps you take each day. Here’s my review.
More Tips and Tricks For Mastering A New Language
Here are more tips and tricks I’ve learned for learning and practicing a new language, this time focusing on methods that you can easily and immediately start using from home.
For Most, Training Core Is A Waste Of Time
The information on core training out there is confusing and conflicting. Here’s my take on core training, with lessons learned from more than a decade of training and coaching.
Ignore Those Absurd Diets If You Want Real Results
Chances are that if you google some important diet or fitness topic, you’ll be led astray more often than not. Even fitness models don’t really follow those absurd diets and fitness regimens that they try to sell you.
The One Way To Improve Your Bench Press
At the end of the day, there’s only one way to improve your bench press (or any lift for that matter). If you don’t know what it is, you’re probably wasting a lot of time.