You Can't Teach Passion
Passion is a key element of success in any endeavor - in general, passionate people rise to the top, and passionless people struggle to keep up. How can you identify your passions? How can you focus on the things that are important to you, and learn to avoid or minimize the things that aren’t? Each person is different, and that’s ok - your passions may not align with somebody else’s, and all you can do is try to find passion where you can and pursue it.
Why Strength Fluctuates
Strength fluxuations are a natural part of training and aren’t necessarily a sign that you’re not getting stronger or something is wrong with your training program. As long as there remains an upward trend over time, you’re good! Stress, sleep schedule, recovery time, and how much you’re eating can all effect how strong - or not - you are on any given day. Disrupted training, like going on vacation or being sick, can also cause a dip in strength, but these setbacks are usually minor and getting back to your pre-break levels happens relatively quickly. The changes in strength can often be small numbers, too small to be noticed when the minimum weight you add is at least 5 pounds. The use of smaller fractional plates help make the flucuations in strength more clear.
Strategies For Incorporating More Protein Into Your Diet
Most people aren’t eating enough protein, which can stall or compromise the gains they’re working toward. Optimal protein sources will have at least 1/3 of their calories coming from protein, but ideally it should be much higher than the amount of other fats and carbs in the food. Keeping a variety of protein rich foods that don’t require prep (like protein powders, meat jerkies, or high protein yogurt) or minimal prep (like frozen fish, ground meat, or tofu) also helps from getting bored or not having enough time to eat enough protein.
Lifestyle Scope Creep
Scope creep, the accidental inflation of a project over time, can happen in many areas of work and personal life. When we let scope creep get out of hand, it can lead to overwhelming issues that create more work than necessary or undo progress we already made. Habit scope creep is when your habits take up more and more of your time that they start to have negative effects on your life like take up all your time, cause too much stress, or lead to burnout. One of the best ways to combat habit scope creep is to regularly assess if what you’re doing aligns with your goals and what’s important to you. Quitting and move on from things isn’t bad - it ensures that your valuable time is spent on what really matters.
Most Of Productivity Is Just Managing Your Environment
Productivity is more about removing barriers to focus rather than having the most ideal setup, brilliant strategies, or the newest tools and accessories. Managing your environment by minimizing distractions naturally creates better work flow, which means getting more done. Having a space where you’re away from interruptions, turning off notifications or putting your phone away where you can’t readily check it, or wearing headphones to block out noise are all methods to keep focus on your work. Everyone’s environments are different and have different obstacles to productivity. What works for some people won’t work for everyone. Figure out what methods work for you and how you can best control the amount of distractions around you.