Optimal Pectoral Size Training
There are different strategies for training pectorals depending on if your goal is size, strength, or a combination of both. In general, the muscles in the upper body recover more quickly, meaning that you can/should train those lifts more frequently. The pectorals benefit from exercises that push wider ranges of motion - which is why the barbell bench press isn’t the ideal exercise for increasing pec size. Paused reps, “squeezing,” and slow, deliberate movement are key. Inclines and variations are also important to target all of the pectoral muscle fibers. Be sure to include horizontal presses, vertical presses from below, and the incline fly.

Can We Target Individual Muscles?
Different exercises for the same muscle groups do work muscles differently, but not in the hyper specific way that people think it’ll tighten, lift, or radically create muscle growth. Variety in exercises to make sure the entire muscle group is strengthened can be incorporated into workout routines, but more variety doesn’t mean better/more gains. If you have a good program with a little bit of variety, it’s more important to focus on consistency and adding weight over time, rather than worry about tweaking exercises.

How Beginner Lifters Mess Up Their 1RM Attempts
Testing your one rep maxes (1RM) is a way to measure strength progress, but there are a lot of wrong ways to go about them. Attempting maxes too frequently or too soon, wasting your energy during a warm up, or not tapering/peaking beforehand, can all lead to 1RM that aren’t representative of your strength. It’s extremely important to take proper precautions when doing 1RM because the heavier the weight, the more likely it is it’ll cause a serious injury if something goes wrong. Remember that there are many other ways to measure strength and progress, and not meeting your goal on a 1RM is not the end of the world, nor proof that your training isn’t working.

Should You Workout On Vacation?
You don’t need to workout while on vacation. The amount of time people often take for vacations (one to two weeks) is generally not long enough to lose your progress. Even if you do, it’s much easier to get back to your pre-vacation numbers than to get there in the first place. Vacations are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and restorative. You’re not supposed to be going through your normal routine and habits. Taking a break means that you’ll (hopefully) come back to your normal life with enough energy and motivation to make it through until your next break. Traveling, or even vacation days at home, are usually more physical than an average desk job. You’re still moving. However, if it doesn’t feel like enough, a simple workout once a week while on vacation is enough to keep your gains up.