Regression To The Mean
Regression to the mean is a little-understood statistical concept that explains why we can very easily be misled by a small amount of data, but gathering more data can give us a better picture of what’s going on.
The Rest Period Broscience Is Wrong
The old-school belief is that we needed to vary rest periods depending on how strength or endurance focused we wanted our adaptations to be, as well as how much metabolic stress we want to provoke. Recent research suggests otherwise.
Everything You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting refers to a style of dieting in which you alternate fasting and regular eating. This method is currently extremely popular due to its ease of use and the promise of unique benefits not normally associated with traditional diets.
Newer Isn't Better
Newer isn’t better, and often is actively worse. Unfortunately, many industries can only survive by providing us with a constant stream of new and exciting information or products - so we need to learn to sort the useful from the useless in real time.
Why Science Doesn't Prove Much Of Anything: Understanding Falsificationism
It’s commonly believed that scientific theories become “proven” “truths” when enough evidence is gathered, and this mistake leads to a lot of misconceptions about how science works. The reality is that no scientific theory is (realistically) ever proven - generally, we just have more and more evidence that a theory is “good enough” for the time being.