What Happened to All the Bloggers?
happier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, wiser Adam Fisher

What Happened to All the Bloggers?

In 2012, the most popular and influential creators had blogs, which inspired new people to get into blogging and writing. Few of those blogs are still around, with creators either having shifted focus or vanishing completely. Even if it’s not currently the most popular way of sharing your business or your thoughts, there’s value with sticking with something like blogging if you truly enjoy it.

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Fitness for 'Anti-Aging'
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Fitness for 'Anti-Aging'

“Health” is an often overlooked aspect of the health and fitness industry, which tends to prioritize young fit individuals over the actual needs of older individuals training for health. As we age, the normal process is for aging to undo a lot of our hard earned gains, but we can age gracefully by keeping up the right routine. To optimize for health, you probably need to work out a lot less than you think.

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Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains

There are strong diminishing returns to additional sets per workout, and additional workouts per week. Contrary to popular belief, a simple workout routine consisting of 2 workouts per week is enough to get 80% of the benefits of exercise with 20% of the effort. For people who do not have significant athletic or aesthetic goals, this is more than sufficient in most cases.

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I Genuinely Don’t Understand What You Like About AI
game design, wiser, smarter, more productive Adam Fisher game design, wiser, smarter, more productive Adam Fisher

I Genuinely Don’t Understand What You Like About AI

I don’t understand why we call LLM’s and generative models “AI” when it’s clear that this is far from any kind of general artificial intelligence. If you know how these LLM’s work, there’s not much magic to it, and it doesn’t always seem worth the effort to fight with an AI to find an answer to a question. While I believe that there is a possible future for AGI, I don’t know if our current LLM’s are anywhere near the mark.

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There's No Magic Bullet: The Truth About Getting in Shape
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

There's No Magic Bullet: The Truth About Getting in Shape

There are no magic bullets to success in getting in shape. Crash diets, 30 day fitness challenges, and new supplements generally make strong promises and completely fail to deliver. If there’s anything close to a magic bullet, it’s seeking out a support system and learning to think long term, buckling down for the sustainable process of habit change.

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