Most Of Productivity Is Just Managing Your Environment
Productivity is more about removing barriers to focus rather than having the most ideal setup, brilliant strategies, or the newest tools and accessories. Managing your environment by minimizing distractions naturally creates better work flow, which means getting more done. Having a space where you’re away from interruptions, turning off notifications or putting your phone away where you can’t readily check it, or wearing headphones to block out noise are all methods to keep focus on your work. Everyone’s environments are different and have different obstacles to productivity. What works for some people won’t work for everyone. Figure out what methods work for you and how you can best control the amount of distractions around you.
Should You Workout On Vacation?
You don’t need to workout while on vacation. The amount of time people often take for vacations (one to two weeks) is generally not long enough to lose your progress. Even if you do, it’s much easier to get back to your pre-vacation numbers than to get there in the first place. Vacations are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and restorative. You’re not supposed to be going through your normal routine and habits. Taking a break means that you’ll (hopefully) come back to your normal life with enough energy and motivation to make it through until your next break. Traveling, or even vacation days at home, are usually more physical than an average desk job. You’re still moving. However, if it doesn’t feel like enough, a simple workout once a week while on vacation is enough to keep your gains up.
I Hate The Cult Of Productivity
Productivity Culture focuses more on what influencers can sell you than if doing more work is actually good for you. People hesitate to stop and ask why they need to be “doing more.” Often, there is a finite amount of work to do and it’s not actually possible to be “more productive,” meaning that trying to always be productive isn’t necessary. Long term success when it comes to accomplishing goals and mastering skills is more about having the right skill sets, building sustainable practices, and finding work that is meaningful to you, regardless of how productive you are.
Process Vs Outcome Based Goals
Outcome based goals, like SMART goals, can be useful in goal setting, but can also lead to a negative feeling feedback loop when outcomes are not met. Process based goals focus on building and maintaining habits as the goal, which alleviates the pressure of a specific outcome being achieved. It’s a method of goal setting that takes into account the differences between genetics, environmental circumstances, and fact that people are imperfect and have bad days. Process based goals more often lead to long term success because they help people learn to enjoy the practice and decouple the feeling of accomplishment from an ultimate outcome.