Can You Just "Lift Weights Faster" For Cardio?
It’s commonly said that you can just “lift weights faster” for cardio. While it’s possible and in some cases useful, I’d say that for most people it’s suboptimal.

Should You Train To Failure?
Training to failure is sometimes heralded as a secret technique for gaining mass and strength, and sometimes demonized as being uniquely likely to cause injury. Here’s what the science says, and how you can effectively implement training to failure in your own training.
Tapering And Peaking: Overlooked Tools For Maximizing Strength
Tapering and peaking can easily add 2-5% to your max lifts without much of any effort at all - in fact, it’s so deceptively easy that many people mess it up by training too hard. Here’s how you can taper and peak properly to maximize your strength for competition or max testing.

All About Dropsets, And Why I Flap My Arms Like A Bird At The Gym
Dropsets are a time-honored technique for getting in more training volume, quickly. Do they work? The answer is “sometimes”. Plus, a dropset that I love to use, that involves looking like a bird at the gym.

The Supplements That Actually Work
Most supplements don’t work, or are a waste of your money. Here’s a list of what matters.