Core Training That Doesn't Suck
Core training, the way most people do it, gets very boring very quickly, because all you do is add reps and time. I’ll admit I was one of those people for many years. Knowing a few of these variations can make core training a lot quicker and more fun.
Why First Impressions Matter - In Relationships And In Fitness
First impressions initially seem like they shouldn’t be important, but the reality is that they’re a crucial make-it-or-break-it moment for interpersonal relationships. Likewise, when learning a new skill or developing a fitness habit, the initial steps are a crucial chance to set yourself up for success (or failure).

A Human Is Not A Lobster
A human being is not like a lobster, a wolf, or a cow - so why do we constantly use unfit animal metaphors to describe how humans ought to eat, think, or behave?

Thoughts On Forgetting A Language
Everyone talks about learning a new language, but what about forgetting a language you used to know? What you should be doing, both to learn a language and to ensure that your time and energy doesn’t go to waste.

Is The Brain A Muscle?
Is the brain a muscle? How is the brain like a muscle, and how is it different from a muscle, and what lessons can we learn from that? What does this mean for mental and physical training?