Do Monks Live Longer? Fasting, Religion, And Lifespan
Do monks and other heavily religious people live longer than the average person? Yes. Does this mean you should find faith? Probably not.
When And How To Deload The Right Way
Deloads are one of the most valuable tools the lifter has to combat over-exercising and manage recovery within a long-term training plan, but you have to know how and when to use them properly. Here’s how.
How I Run My Business From A $200 Laptop
I can run my business easily from anywhere - with a cheap $200 laptop. Here’s how.
Regression To The Mean
Regression to the mean is a little-understood statistical concept that explains why we can very easily be misled by a small amount of data, but gathering more data can give us a better picture of what’s going on.
Newer Isn't Better
Newer isn’t better, and often is actively worse. Unfortunately, many industries can only survive by providing us with a constant stream of new and exciting information or products - so we need to learn to sort the useful from the useless in real time.