The Smith Machine Is Sometimes Better Than The Squat Rack
The smith machine is a machine version of the free weight squat rack. This machine gets a lot of hate, but also has some surprising advantages. Like any tool in the toolkit of a good exerciser, the smith machine shouldn’t be ignored.
How To Find The Right Personal Trainer
Often, it’s a challenge to find the right trainer or coach - and not due to any failure on your part, but simply because there are limitations that make it a naturally hard process. In this article, coach Meg breaks down the guidelines you should follow to ensure that you’re making the right decision, and finding the right trainer or coach.
Fitness For Mental Health
Fitness is one of the most powerful tools in your toolkit for managing mental health - when used properly. Here, I examine some of the science behind the use of fitness for managing mental health, as well as some of the under-discussed benefits.
Fitness Is Boring
Contrary to expectations, a good fitness approach is actually pretty boring. It’s not about pushing hard and being intense - it’s about finding a slow, sustainable approach that you can stick to for many years consistently. Over time, small incremental changes add up to bigger results.
The Secret to Success is Obsession
The secret to true success is that you have to truly enjoy what you’re doing - and if you do, you’ll sort out everything else along the way. If you want to succeed, finding the enjoyment in the things that you do is often more important than perfectly optimizing your approach, and will result in better results in the long run.