Fitness For Desk Workers
healthier, more productive Adam Fisher healthier, more productive Adam Fisher

Fitness For Desk Workers

Large quantities of sitting are negatively associated with long term health - and unfortunately, many of us don’t have the luxury of getting away from our desks. Luckily, there’s a lot you can do to offset these negative effects to ensure optimal health in the long run - desk work is far from a death sentence!

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How Widespread Is Steroid Use?
healthier, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher

How Widespread Is Steroid Use?

Steroids use is widespread, but certainly not total. Steroid use also carries significant health risks. Different pressures will lead to different levels of adoption - relevance to your sport, legality, and economic incentives all have an impact on how willing people are to use steroids, and how likely they are to be willing to discuss their usage. Still, this should not impact your personal decision-making too much - regardless of whether or not someone else is using, this doesn’t impact what you need to do to make progress in your own training.

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