How Widespread Is Steroid Use?
healthier, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher

How Widespread Is Steroid Use?

Steroids use is widespread, but certainly not total. Steroid use also carries significant health risks. Different pressures will lead to different levels of adoption - relevance to your sport, legality, and economic incentives all have an impact on how willing people are to use steroids, and how likely they are to be willing to discuss their usage. Still, this should not impact your personal decision-making too much - regardless of whether or not someone else is using, this doesn’t impact what you need to do to make progress in your own training.

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Anti-Fatness in Fitness
happier, healthier, stronger Meg Humphrey happier, healthier, stronger Meg Humphrey

Anti-Fatness in Fitness

Anti-fatness and the focus on weight loss does not need to be part of exercise, despite its prevalence in the [toxic] Fitness Industry. Anti-fatness encourages dangerous practices and behaviors for people, especially when they are supported by anti-fat fitness professionals. When you take away weight loss as a goal, exercise can focus on mobility/functionality, stamina, and strength, which improve quality of life. These can be practiced at any size, age, or ability.

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Fitness Isn't A Hobby For Me Anymore
bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher

Fitness Isn't A Hobby For Me Anymore

As a beginner, fitness was a hobby for me - as an expert with 17 years of experience, it’s something I’ve actively lost interest in thinking too much about. To a certain extent, the same thing has happened to my career in fitness, now reaching 11 years of experience. With enough experience, any hobby or career just becomes an automatic practice, and it becomes more and more natural to follow through.

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Why Doing Things Imperfectly is Still Worth Doing
happier, healthier, more productive Meg Humphrey happier, healthier, more productive Meg Humphrey

Why Doing Things Imperfectly is Still Worth Doing

Perfect is the enemy of the good - Meg struggled with perfectionism and it held back her ability to enjoy artistic hobbies for years. Likewise, perfectionism can hold you back from your fitness goals, especially when you take an “all or nothing” approach. Doing ‘something’, even if it’s not perfect, helps you to maintain the habit.

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