There's No Magic Bullet: The Truth About Getting in Shape
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

There's No Magic Bullet: The Truth About Getting in Shape

There are no magic bullets to success in getting in shape. Crash diets, 30 day fitness challenges, and new supplements generally make strong promises and completely fail to deliver. If there’s anything close to a magic bullet, it’s seeking out a support system and learning to think long term, buckling down for the sustainable process of habit change.

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Should You Workout On Vacation?
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Should You Workout On Vacation?

You don’t need to workout while on vacation. The amount of time people often take for vacations (one to two weeks) is generally not long enough to lose your progress. Even if you do, it’s much easier to get back to your pre-vacation numbers than to get there in the first place. Vacations are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and restorative. You’re not supposed to be going through your normal routine and habits. Taking a break means that you’ll (hopefully) come back to your normal life with enough energy and motivation to make it through until your next break. Traveling, or even vacation days at home, are usually more physical than an average desk job. You’re still moving. However, if it doesn’t feel like enough, a simple workout once a week while on vacation is enough to keep your gains up.

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How Lifting Made Me Smarter
healthier, happier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, happier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher

How Lifting Made Me Smarter

Often, physical activity improves more of our lives than just our bodies, it helps our brains, too. Regular exercise can help with undertanding organization, practice, goal setting, and finding meaning in what you’re learning. When the things you learn personally mean something to you, it’s more likely you’ll retain that knowledge. Some of the physical benefits of lifting - energy regulation, improved sleep, and mood stabilization - helps us be more attentive and energetic, aiding in the learning process.

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Why I'm Not Returning To The Gym
healthier, smarter Adam Fisher healthier, smarter Adam Fisher

Why I'm Not Returning To The Gym

COVID isn’t going anywhere - it’s going to continue to mutate and spread. It’s our responsibility to mitigate the risks by doing things like getting vaccinated, masking in public spaces, eating outdoors (or getting take out) rather than indoors at restaurants, and minimizing traveling. Everyone is at a different amount of risk. Those of us lucky enough to be able to be vaccinated or have stronger immune systems need to consider the people we come into contact with who are at greater risk. For some people, returning to the gym is an acceptable risk in their life. For others, it’s not. The best thing we can do is make thoughtful and responsible decisions that minimize the harm we could do to others.

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