All About Dropsets, And Why I Flap My Arms Like A Bird At The Gym
Dropsets are a time-honored technique for getting in more training volume, quickly. Do they work? The answer is “sometimes”. Plus, a dropset that I love to use, that involves looking like a bird at the gym.
The Supplements That Actually Work
Most supplements don’t work, or are a waste of your money. Here’s a list of what matters.
When To Bulk And When To Cut
Do you need to bulk or cut? When should you do it? This post covers the guidelines for each.
Cardio For People Who Hate Cardio
Some people absolutely hate cardio, but avoiding it will definitely hold you back. Here are some things you can try that aren’t just “slog it out on the treadmill”.
Do You Need A Preworkout? No.
Preworkouts are a popular class of supplement that are supposed to give you more energy to complete your workouts. In reality, they’re more of a mixed bag.