Celebrating 300 Articles on Gains - and Where We Go From Here
I’ve written (about) 300 articles on health, fitness, self-improvement, language learning, and finance. What’s next?

Meditating On 12 Years Of Fitness Blogging
What’s it like writing for 12 years straight for a fitness blog?

What Happened to All the Bloggers?
In 2012, the most popular and influential creators had blogs, which inspired new people to get into blogging and writing. Few of those blogs are still around, with creators either having shifted focus or vanishing completely. Even if it’s not currently the most popular way of sharing your business or your thoughts, there’s value with sticking with something like blogging if you truly enjoy it.

It Feels Silly to Write About Fitness
It’s difficult to write about things like fitness when there are more serious and urgent issues that need to be addressed, like the state of the environment and climate change. Many systems in our society directly contribute to a feedback loop that adds carbon to Earth’s atmosphere. The changes caused by this have been growing more extreme. As part of these systems, individuals do have responsibility to do their best to live environmentally cleaner lives. There are actions we can all take to minimize our impact while acknowledging that as a society we do rely on things like cars, cheap power, and package delivery. No matter how much individuals reduce their carbon footprint, what matters the most is legislation which disincentivizes wasteful emissions.

My New Google Drive #Productivity #Hacks
I’ve recently begun to use some quick hacks that make it a lot easier to manage Google drive - and it’s absolutely astounding how good they feel.