Women In The Weightroom
Assumptions about the differences between men and women, as well as the emphasis for women’s exercise being focused on being attractive to men, have been used as excuses to exclude and alienate women from the weight room. Although weight lifting and strength training has become more popular among women, there is still room to be more inclusive and welcoming.

Training Considerations for the Trans Athlete
Trans athletes are often discriminated against based on some perceived athletic superiority they may have over their cis peers. However, current scientific and practical evidence suggests otherwise. This post contains additional discussion of the training needs of trans exercisers.

Are We Finally Done Arguing About CrossFit?
When I started out as a coach, the only thing anyone wanted to talk about was CrossFit - thank god that's changed. A retrospective on the CrossFit phenomenon.

Why A Binge Can't Possibly Ruin Your Results
The holidays are a common time for going off diet and off your exercise program. It's also commonly believed that these periods can be disastrous to our overall results. Here's why that's mathematically impossible.