Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results
Adam Fisher Adam Fisher

Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results

In most situations, sweat isn’t well correlated with the quality of your workouts or the results you’re getting. In fact, in many cases, chasing excessive sweating could result in decreased results, if you were trying to optimize for sweat alone.

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The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up
healthier Adam Fisher healthier Adam Fisher

The most important factor in exercise for weight loss is simply showing up

There’s a lot of argument about what the right kind of exercise is, if you want to lose weight. The answer is, it probably doesn’t matter - so long as you’re actually exercising consistently. Different activities can certainly have different secondary effects aside from burning calories, and this should be considered in the context of what goals you have for your training aside from weight loss.

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You Probably Don't Need To Lose Weight
happier, healthier Adam Fisher happier, healthier Adam Fisher

You Probably Don't Need To Lose Weight

For most people, weight loss should be a consequence, not a goal, of getting in shape. The emphasize should be on developing new habits which are healthy for you, regardless of whether or not this impacts your weight in the short or long term. Most people face serious barriers to weight loss which render it not worthwhile as a primary goal.

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What's The Deal With Artificial Sweeteners?
healthier, smarter Adam Fisher healthier, smarter Adam Fisher

What's The Deal With Artificial Sweeteners?

Artificial sweeteners are a large and varied category. It’s difficult to conduct long term research on any one product, and it is unfair to assign the results of any one sweetener to the category as a whole. The long term effects of artificial sweeteners are still unknown in humans. The fears people do have come from studies on rats that don’t align with human behavior and also don’t include all of the different versions of sweetener. Artificial sweeteners can be useful for strict calorie management, but as with all things, should be used intentionally and in moderation.

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Why Is Lifting Weights Objectively More Fun?

Why Is Lifting Weights Objectively More Fun?

Resistance training is the most fun and empowering way to train because strength gains are more immediate, noticeable, and can be easily tracked. Progress and results that are more nebulous and subjective do not give the same sense of accomplishment, which is why making fitness goals around something that constantly fluctuates like bodyweight is generally unsatisfying. Strength training and other skill based exercises can help people live the lives they want to, and it’s important to find what works best for your life and body.

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