Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results
Adam Fisher Adam Fisher

Sweat Is Not Related To Fitness Results

In most situations, sweat isn’t well correlated with the quality of your workouts or the results you’re getting. In fact, in many cases, chasing excessive sweating could result in decreased results, if you were trying to optimize for sweat alone.

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All The Ways The Scale Lies To You
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

All The Ways The Scale Lies To You

The scale - it’s a hated enemy, and one that’s always lying to us. Here are all the ways that you can trick the scale, or the scale can trick you, so that you can make informed decisions about what to do with the data that the scale presents to you.

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Calories Matter, Even When You Think They Don't
happier, healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher

Calories Matter, Even When You Think They Don't

It's common to doubt the validity of the calories in, calories out model by saying "well, this worked for me." The reality is that CICO is always in play, whether you realize it or not - it's a basic framework that explains how diets work, not necessarily a dietary approach in and of itself. Here are a few ways that the CICO model may seem less accurate than it actually is. 

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