How Beginner Lifters Mess Up Their 1RM Attempts
Testing your one rep maxes (1RM) is a way to measure strength progress, but there are a lot of wrong ways to go about them. Attempting maxes too frequently or too soon, wasting your energy during a warm up, or not tapering/peaking beforehand, can all lead to 1RM that aren’t representative of your strength. It’s extremely important to take proper precautions when doing 1RM because the heavier the weight, the more likely it is it’ll cause a serious injury if something goes wrong. Remember that there are many other ways to measure strength and progress, and not meeting your goal on a 1RM is not the end of the world, nor proof that your training isn’t working.

Warming Up Properly For Heavy Lifting
Warmups are a crucial part of your workout that everyone can agree is important in order to maximize performance and minimize injury risk. At the same time, I often see people wasting their time on inefficient warmups that waste a lot of time.
Extreme Stretching For Size and Flexibility
Stretching has recently fallen out of favor as research has shown that it doesn't do what many people claim it does. But at the same time, more extreme stretching methods like weighted stretching may provide the missing link.