The Colorado Experiment
stronger, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher stronger, bigger, wiser Adam Fisher

The Colorado Experiment

The Colorado Experiment was not conducted in a truly scientific way, but was more of a marketing push very similiar to today’s common “get ripped quick with little effort” schemes. The results published results were astonishingly, impossibly good in terms of muscle building and body composition, but there isn’t a way to prove if the parameters of the experiment were truly followed and people have never been able to replicate the results since.

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Rest Periods Revisited
bigger, stronger, wiser Adam Fisher bigger, stronger, wiser Adam Fisher

Rest Periods Revisited

This post continues on from an older post about rest periods, and clarifies some of the potential nuances involved. In particular, while longer rest periods may be better, this needs to be considered in the context of a lot of other variables, and being proactive about managing your workouts based on total volume of training (rather than individual variables like rest periods) may be more meaningful overall. This also helps to explain why some lifters can get away with not following strict programming, training by feel, while still seeing great results.

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The Travel Workouts Guide
bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher

The Travel Workouts Guide

It’s probably easier than you think to train when traveling, as your primary focus should be on maintenance rather than continuing to gain strength and muscle mass. By focusing on the basics, you often only need a single workout per week. At the same time, it’s also important not to overlook the benefit of occasionally just… taking week off.

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