The Secret to Success is Obsession
The secret to true success is that you have to truly enjoy what you’re doing - and if you do, you’ll sort out everything else along the way. If you want to succeed, finding the enjoyment in the things that you do is often more important than perfectly optimizing your approach, and will result in better results in the long run.

You Can't Teach Passion
Passion is a key element of success in any endeavor - in general, passionate people rise to the top, and passionless people struggle to keep up. How can you identify your passions? How can you focus on the things that are important to you, and learn to avoid or minimize the things that aren’t? Each person is different, and that’s ok - your passions may not align with somebody else’s, and all you can do is try to find passion where you can and pursue it.

Understanding Survivorship Bias
Survivorship bias happens when we only see the successes (survivors) individuals and businesses have, which can lead to a warped perception of success rates.
Social media creates constant survivorship bias because people only share the good and successful parts of their lives in order to make themselves look better and trustworthy, naturally hiding the parts they don’t want us to see.
Most of the time, success takes a lot of effort and failure, but people on the outside don’t see behind the scenes. Don’t be fooled - continue to put in the work if you want to improve!

Why Is The Self-Improvement Industry So Full Of Scammers?
Often, the most popular “self help” books and theories are too general and vague to be really meaningful besides getting people to feel good about themselves. This is done on purpose - the more general the advice is, the more people can buy the product. The fitness industry is incorporated into a lot of the self-improvement industry because people assume that people who “look good” are happy. It’s especially easy for influencers on social media to have people believe their success because we only see pictures and snippets they want us to see, not the full story. Success and improvement at anything is a time consuming, high effort challenge that can’t be conquered with a book, set of supplements, or any single thing.

The Real Reason My Business Succeeded
There's no single reason why business projects, creative projects, or self-improvement projects succeed or fail. But at the same time, there is actually one absolute prerequisite that most people miss.