You Can't Teach Passion
Passion is a key element of success in any endeavor - in general, passionate people rise to the top, and passionless people struggle to keep up. How can you identify your passions? How can you focus on the things that are important to you, and learn to avoid or minimize the things that aren’t? Each person is different, and that’s ok - your passions may not align with somebody else’s, and all you can do is try to find passion where you can and pursue it.
Why First Impressions Matter - In Relationships And In Fitness
First impressions initially seem like they shouldn’t be important, but the reality is that they’re a crucial make-it-or-break-it moment for interpersonal relationships. Likewise, when learning a new skill or developing a fitness habit, the initial steps are a crucial chance to set yourself up for success (or failure).

Is The Brain A Muscle?
Is the brain a muscle? How is the brain like a muscle, and how is it different from a muscle, and what lessons can we learn from that? What does this mean for mental and physical training?

More Tips and Tricks For Mastering A New Language
Here are more tips and tricks I’ve learned for learning and practicing a new language, this time focusing on methods that you can easily and immediately start using from home.
The Worst Client In The World
There’s one big, important lesson you can learn from my worst client.