My Perfect Morning Routine (And Why You Shouldn't Care)
Routines are a powerful strategy for automating our habits and enabling us to complete more work. At the same time, I think we’re often too reliant on caring about what celebrities and influencers claim their habits are.

Falling In Love With Walking For Cardio
While running gets a lot of attention as the easy, no-equipment cardio method, I’ve found that walking is a lot more useful. Here’s the story of how I came to love going for a simple walk.

I've Been Addicted To Being Busy
For the last few years, I’ve been absolutely addicted to being busy, and it’s taken a toll on my work. How I learned to recently renew my work life balance.

Sleep Is The Fountain Of Youth
How often do you hear a personal trainer recommending more sleep? The reality is that better sleep is one of the single most important things you can do for your health, fitness, productivity, and intelligence.