What's The Deal With Artificial Sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners are a large and varied category. It’s difficult to conduct long term research on any one product, and it is unfair to assign the results of any one sweetener to the category as a whole. The long term effects of artificial sweeteners are still unknown in humans. The fears people do have come from studies on rats that don’t align with human behavior and also don’t include all of the different versions of sweetener. Artificial sweeteners can be useful for strict calorie management, but as with all things, should be used intentionally and in moderation.

Yes, Fruit Is Healthy For You
Sugar has a bad reputation for being something that is inherently bad for you or worse than other forms of carbs, but this isn’t what the science says. Along side the natural, unprocessed sugar, fruits have micronutrients that help maintain our health. Fruits are also a good source of fiber, which isn’t digested well by our bodies and helps us feel full and satiated.

Ignore Those Absurd Diets If You Want Real Results
Chances are that if you google some important diet or fitness topic, you’ll be led astray more often than not. Even fitness models don’t really follow those absurd diets and fitness regimens that they try to sell you.