Why I'm Not Returning To The Gym
COVID isn’t going anywhere - it’s going to continue to mutate and spread. It’s our responsibility to mitigate the risks by doing things like getting vaccinated, masking in public spaces, eating outdoors (or getting take out) rather than indoors at restaurants, and minimizing traveling. Everyone is at a different amount of risk. Those of us lucky enough to be able to be vaccinated or have stronger immune systems need to consider the people we come into contact with who are at greater risk. For some people, returning to the gym is an acceptable risk in their life. For others, it’s not. The best thing we can do is make thoughtful and responsible decisions that minimize the harm we could do to others.

Who's At Fault?
In complex human organizational systems, sometimes responsibility and fault can be hard attributes to assign. We need to own up to the fact that we can sometimes be complicit in crimes that we don't want to admit responsibility for.