Every Pushup
Pushups are a versatile bodyweight exercise to strengthen the chest, arms, and shoulders that can be easily scaled to suit the level of anyone from beginner to advanced. Different positions can be utilized to change difficulty. Elevating the upper body, like doing countertop pushups, allows for lighter than bodyweight pushups. Elevating the feet, changing position, or attempting single arm pushups increases difficulty.
Why First Impressions Matter - In Relationships And In Fitness
First impressions initially seem like they shouldn’t be important, but the reality is that they’re a crucial make-it-or-break-it moment for interpersonal relationships. Likewise, when learning a new skill or developing a fitness habit, the initial steps are a crucial chance to set yourself up for success (or failure).

Basic Bodyweight Exercise Programming
This week, I go over the basic theories behind bodyweight fitness, as well as the way that you can put together a bodyweight exercise program for yourself.

Fitness & Coronavirus - Bodyweight Exercise Book Reviews
The virus is forcing us all inside, and that means we have to rely on bodyweight workouts more than ever. I share some of my basics tips and tricks, plus review some of the more popular bodyweight exercise books.