When The Leg Press Will Increase Your Squat, And When It Won’t
Training more muscle specific exercises (ex: leg press for the quads to help improve the squat) can have crossover effects with other lifts, but the more they have in common with the lift, the more effective they will be.

Underused Movements - The Viper Press/Muscle Snatch
The viper press/muscle snatch are similar exercises that strengthen and build muslce in key parts of the body like the shoulders, back, and traps. Although not suitable for beginners or casual exercisers, the viper press/muscle snatch can be very beneficial for strength athletes like powerlifters, olympic weightlifters, and CrossFitters.

Lifting Aids
Lifting aids like straps, wraps, and belts are useful tools for heavy lifters who are looking to maximize their muscle and strength building. They can also aid in preventing injury while training difficult and high weight lifts. When used properly, lifting aids help you train harder, longer, and more efficiently. Improper usage can cause issues, but that risk is minimal when you adhere to safe practices.

Simplicity Is King, and Muscle Confusion Is Garbage
In general, you’ll get better results from following a simpler routine more consistently, rather than constantly varying and changing your routine. Fad workout routines based around “muscle confusion” can work, but will generally provide you inferior results to simpler and more consistent routines. Serious lifting athletes rely on ideal the routines and strategies which have been developed over the years, and focus on practicing a small number of movements repeatedly, rather than constantly varying movements.

How Do I Build Maximum Strength?
Training for strength is remarkably similar to training for any athletic goal, and a lot simpler than people make it out to be. Still, it’s very possible to mess things up by getting in your own head and having the wrong mentality and approach. Here, we go over what it takes to become as strong as humanly possible.