Basic Bodyweight Exercise Programming
This week, I go over the basic theories behind bodyweight fitness, as well as the way that you can put together a bodyweight exercise program for yourself.

Fitness & Coronavirus - Bodyweight Exercise Book Reviews
The virus is forcing us all inside, and that means we have to rely on bodyweight workouts more than ever. I share some of my basics tips and tricks, plus review some of the more popular bodyweight exercise books.

All About Dropsets, And Why I Flap My Arms Like A Bird At The Gym
Dropsets are a time-honored technique for getting in more training volume, quickly. Do they work? The answer is “sometimes”. Plus, a dropset that I love to use, that involves looking like a bird at the gym.

Yes, (Almost) Anyone Can Exercise
I often hear people tell me that they “can’t” exercise, when it’s far more accurate to say that they just haven’t figured out the right approach yet.
No Load Exercise Part 3 - Bands, TRX, Endurance, and BFR.
In the past, I've covered what no load exercise is, and how to use it. However, I haven't covered how to transition out of it, or other tools you can use to get an effective workout while working around injury. One of the most useful options is exercise bands, which are easier on the joints.