How Important Is A Daily Step Count?
healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher

How Important Is A Daily Step Count?

The 10,000 step goal is an arbitrary number created to sell more pedometers. It’s difficult for average people to hit 10,000 steps in a day, every day, even if they are active. Studies have shown that a range of 5,000 - 7,500 steps in a day is enough to reap the metabolic and cardiac benefits of walking during the day. The best bet is to not stay in any one position too long and take frequent breaks to move around and stretch. The focus should be on moving more in general, not worrying about a number to reach.

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Calories Matter, Even When You Think They Don't
happier, healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, smarter, wiser Adam Fisher

Calories Matter, Even When You Think They Don't

It's common to doubt the validity of the calories in, calories out model by saying "well, this worked for me." The reality is that CICO is always in play, whether you realize it or not - it's a basic framework that explains how diets work, not necessarily a dietary approach in and of itself. Here are a few ways that the CICO model may seem less accurate than it actually is. 

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