Should You Train To Failure?
Training to failure is sometimes heralded as a secret technique for gaining mass and strength, and sometimes demonized as being uniquely likely to cause injury. Here’s what the science says, and how you can effectively implement training to failure in your own training.
The Overlooked Role of the Calf Muscles in the Squat
We rarely appreciate the role of the calf muscles when training for strength. The reality is that the calves have a huge impact on our squat form and depth, and certain kinds of calf training will improve our squats.
Bodybuilders Train Less Than You Think
It's commonly believed that it takes hours per day, many days per week, to build world class muscle. However, I've consistently found that such a training regimen is far too taxing to recover from. A recent study suggests even pro bodybuilders train a lot fewer hours per week than you'd think.