Fitness Isn't A Hobby For Me Anymore
As a beginner, fitness was a hobby for me - as an expert with 17 years of experience, it’s something I’ve actively lost interest in thinking too much about. To a certain extent, the same thing has happened to my career in fitness, now reaching 11 years of experience. With enough experience, any hobby or career just becomes an automatic practice, and it becomes more and more natural to follow through.

The Difference Between Who You Are And Who You Want To Be
There are two things you need to accept if you want to improve - that you’re fine the way that you are, but that at the same time, you can always be a little bit better every day.

Can Humans Predict The Future?
Human beings are absolutely TERRIBLE at predicting the future, and it’s unlikely that we’ll ever be any good at it. Here’s why.

The Home Gym Guide
We waste a lot of time and money every year on gym memberships, travel time, gas. You can save a lot of time and money by assembling a home gym - and this investment will likely pay off in just two years of regular use. Here are a variety of home gym setups you can use, from a barebones to advanced setup. I also cover the best travel workout equipment.

My Single Best Productivity Investment
You have to spend money to make money. That being said, you can still end up wasting your money on products that won't help your business. Here's the single investment that's had the biggest payoff in terms of helping my own business. The answer may surprise you.