Do Monks Live Longer? Fasting, Religion, And Lifespan
Do monks and other heavily religious people live longer than the average person? Yes. Does this mean you should find faith? Probably not.

Everything You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting
Intermittent fasting refers to a style of dieting in which you alternate fasting and regular eating. This method is currently extremely popular due to its ease of use and the promise of unique benefits not normally associated with traditional diets.

Ignore Those Absurd Diets If You Want Real Results
Chances are that if you google some important diet or fitness topic, you’ll be led astray more often than not. Even fitness models don’t really follow those absurd diets and fitness regimens that they try to sell you.

Raw Water Wasn't A Thing
Raw water is supposedly a dangerous new health trend, but I have my reasons to be suspicious.

Protein Sparing Modified Fast - The Fastest Way To Lose Weight (& Why It's A Bad Idea)
A fast is the fastest way to lose weight loss, but carries with it significant issues including serious health risks. A protein sparing modified fast is a diet designed to help alleviate some of these issues. It's not a perfect solution, but it can give you an idea of what a "good" crash diet looks like.