The Travel Workouts Guide
bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher bigger, happier, healthier Adam Fisher

The Travel Workouts Guide

It’s probably easier than you think to train when traveling, as your primary focus should be on maintenance rather than continuing to gain strength and muscle mass. By focusing on the basics, you often only need a single workout per week. At the same time, it’s also important not to overlook the benefit of occasionally just… taking week off.

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Optimal Pectoral Size Training
bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher

Optimal Pectoral Size Training

There are different strategies for training pectorals depending on if your goal is size, strength, or a combination of both. In general, the muscles in the upper body recover more quickly, meaning that you can/should train those lifts more frequently. The pectorals benefit from exercises that push wider ranges of motion - which is why the barbell bench press isn’t the ideal exercise for increasing pec size. Paused reps, “squeezing,” and slow, deliberate movement are key. Inclines and variations are also important to target all of the pectoral muscle fibers. Be sure to include horizontal presses, vertical presses from below, and the incline fly.

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