What Is Overtraining?
smarter, stronger, bigger, more durable Adam Fisher smarter, stronger, bigger, more durable Adam Fisher

What Is Overtraining?

The fear of overtraining comes from outdated/under-researched ideas of the limit of how much volume humans can lift. Average (or above average) exercisers generally do not have to worry about overtraining. Pushing too hard, too fast can lead to injury, but intentional, slow development from a well designed workout plan allows for people to safely train hard.

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The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness
healthier, wiser Adam Fisher healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

The Death of ‘Functional’ Fitness

The trend of ‘functional’ fitness aims to train exercisers with movements that are supposedly more likely to carry over to practical everyday uses. However, in doing so, many ‘functional’ recommendations contradict long-standing, well-researched and evidence-based practices in fitness, to the detriment of their followers. Unfortunately, there is something that functional fitness is uniquely good at - gathering attention on social media via highly viral, unusual movements likely to attract attention because of their novelty.

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Are Jumps A Good Training Exercise?
Healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher Healthier, stronger, bigger Adam Fisher

Are Jumps A Good Training Exercise?

Jumps are an excellent exercise for developing explosive power, and are absolutely essential in many athletic programs. At the same time, they have some serious drawbacks that make them less good of a fit for most other exercisers. Despite this, jumps have a popularity that seems to exceed their general usefulness, in part driven by social media.

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I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl

The reverse nordic curl and the nordic curl have become especially popular recently becaue of the ongoing COVID pandemic and the fact that these are bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. Both of these exercises are tough and can be especially hard on the knees. The best thing you can do is listen to your body! If you don’t like an exercise or if it doesn’t feel right, there are plenty of alternatives out there.

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How To Avoid Loss of Progress During Time Off
bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher

How To Avoid Loss of Progress During Time Off

It’s harder to lose muscle mass than we think it is, people can go up to a month off without noticable muscle mass loss. Strength is harder to maintain in off periods, but once training resumes, strength quickly returns. The most important thing you can do, whether your break is due to traveling, injury, or something else, is to continue doing whatever physical movement you can until you training starts again.

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