The Secret to Success is Obsession

The Secret to Success is Obsession

The secret to true success is that you have to truly enjoy what you’re doing - and if you do, you’ll sort out everything else along the way. If you want to succeed, finding the enjoyment in the things that you do is often more important than perfectly optimizing your approach, and will result in better results in the long run.

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Why Doing Things Imperfectly is Still Worth Doing
happier, healthier, more productive Meg Humphrey happier, healthier, more productive Meg Humphrey

Why Doing Things Imperfectly is Still Worth Doing

Perfect is the enemy of the good - Meg struggled with perfectionism and it held back her ability to enjoy artistic hobbies for years. Likewise, perfectionism can hold you back from your fitness goals, especially when you take an “all or nothing” approach. Doing ‘something’, even if it’s not perfect, helps you to maintain the habit.

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Should You Workout On Vacation?
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Should You Workout On Vacation?

You don’t need to workout while on vacation. The amount of time people often take for vacations (one to two weeks) is generally not long enough to lose your progress. Even if you do, it’s much easier to get back to your pre-vacation numbers than to get there in the first place. Vacations are supposed to be fun, relaxing, and restorative. You’re not supposed to be going through your normal routine and habits. Taking a break means that you’ll (hopefully) come back to your normal life with enough energy and motivation to make it through until your next break. Traveling, or even vacation days at home, are usually more physical than an average desk job. You’re still moving. However, if it doesn’t feel like enough, a simple workout once a week while on vacation is enough to keep your gains up.

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