I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl

The reverse nordic curl and the nordic curl have become especially popular recently becaue of the ongoing COVID pandemic and the fact that these are bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. Both of these exercises are tough and can be especially hard on the knees. The best thing you can do is listen to your body! If you don’t like an exercise or if it doesn’t feel right, there are plenty of alternatives out there.

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The Squat Isn't For Everyone
more durable, stronger Adam Fisher more durable, stronger Adam Fisher

The Squat Isn't For Everyone

Squats are generally seen as the must-do exercise for lower body development, and it’s often ignored by fitness professionals that some people do not enjoy or cannot perform them. Spine, hip, knee, and calve conditions/injuries commonly effect someone’s ability to squat. There are plenty of other exercises that develop the lower body that work better for these situations. Workout programs need to be built on exercises the individual wants to do and is safely capable of doing, even if it means that a popular or effective exercise like the squat isn’t included.

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