A Less SMART Approach to Goal Making
Often we make goals when we are feeling the most ambitious and motivated. These often end up being too strict or unrealistic in timeline, scope, and our current abilities. We need to take into account that life rarely goes smoothly and make sure that there is enough room for bad days and life changes to still be successful. Focusing on goals that have personal, intrinsic value and are more process over result based helps working toward your goals fun and achievable.
Process Vs Outcome Based Goals
Outcome based goals, like SMART goals, can be useful in goal setting, but can also lead to a negative feeling feedback loop when outcomes are not met. Process based goals focus on building and maintaining habits as the goal, which alleviates the pressure of a specific outcome being achieved. It’s a method of goal setting that takes into account the differences between genetics, environmental circumstances, and fact that people are imperfect and have bad days. Process based goals more often lead to long term success because they help people learn to enjoy the practice and decouple the feeling of accomplishment from an ultimate outcome.
The Difference Between Who You Are And Who You Want To Be
There are two things you need to accept if you want to improve - that you’re fine the way that you are, but that at the same time, you can always be a little bit better every day.
What To Expect When You Start Lifting
Beginners often have no clue what to expect when they start lifting. As a result, they set poor goals, have unrealistic expectations, and set themselves up for failure. You can avoid this using the guidelines set in this post, though your own progress may not be ideal.