You Probably Care Too Much About Exercise Form
“Proper” form is not the end-all be-all when it comes to injury prevention nor being able to lift more weight. There are many high level strength athletes who have unique forms when lifting and are healthy and injury free.
Tapering And Peaking: Overlooked Tools For Maximizing Strength
Tapering and peaking can easily add 2-5% to your max lifts without much of any effort at all - in fact, it’s so deceptively easy that many people mess it up by training too hard. Here’s how you can taper and peak properly to maximize your strength for competition or max testing.

The Magical Exercise For Preventing Lower Body Injury
One of the most common lower body injuries (hamstrings strains) is also, interestingly, one of the most preventable. A single exercise has been shown to reduce occurrence of this injury by as much as two thirds, as well as to be effective in preventing reinjury. Here’s what you can do to bulletproof your hamstrings.