What Happened to All the Bloggers?
happier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, wiser Adam Fisher

What Happened to All the Bloggers?

In 2012, the most popular and influential creators had blogs, which inspired new people to get into blogging and writing. Few of those blogs are still around, with creators either having shifted focus or vanishing completely. Even if it’s not currently the most popular way of sharing your business or your thoughts, there’s value with sticking with something like blogging if you truly enjoy it.

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Do Athletes Make Boring Clients?
healthier, stronger Adam Fisher healthier, stronger Adam Fisher

Do Athletes Make Boring Clients?

In personal experience, athletes - especially hobbyist or aspiring athletes - require little in terms of unique training methods, but are demanding and impatient in their relationship expectations with their trainer(s). “General population” clients have a huge range of limitations and needs, which makes their programs more tailored and specific, giving the trainer an opportunity to learn more about a wide range of fitness options. Of course some athletes can be great and interesting to work with, and general clients can be frustrating or boring. Every person is different and it’s important that as a trainer, you are open to learning many styles and continuously improving your knowledge of health and fitness.

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