Fitness for 'Anti-Aging'
“Health” is an often overlooked aspect of the health and fitness industry, which tends to prioritize young fit individuals over the actual needs of older individuals training for health. As we age, the normal process is for aging to undo a lot of our hard earned gains, but we can age gracefully by keeping up the right routine. To optimize for health, you probably need to work out a lot less than you think.

Yes, Fruit Is Healthy For You
Sugar has a bad reputation for being something that is inherently bad for you or worse than other forms of carbs, but this isn’t what the science says. Along side the natural, unprocessed sugar, fruits have micronutrients that help maintain our health. Fruits are also a good source of fiber, which isn’t digested well by our bodies and helps us feel full and satiated.

A Human Is Not A Lobster
A human being is not like a lobster, a wolf, or a cow - so why do we constantly use unfit animal metaphors to describe how humans ought to eat, think, or behave?

Understanding The Thermic Effect Of Food
The thermic effect of food is a little-known effect that explains why a calorie may not appear to be a calorie - why we can eat two foods with roughly the same number of calories, but get very different results in terms of our health and physique.