Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains
happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher happier, healthier, wiser Adam Fisher

Two Workouts A Week Is Enough For 80% Of The Gains

There are strong diminishing returns to additional sets per workout, and additional workouts per week. Contrary to popular belief, a simple workout routine consisting of 2 workouts per week is enough to get 80% of the benefits of exercise with 20% of the effort. For people who do not have significant athletic or aesthetic goals, this is more than sufficient in most cases.

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Can We Target Individual Muscles?
bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher bigger, stronger, smarter Adam Fisher

Can We Target Individual Muscles?

Different exercises for the same muscle groups do work muscles differently, but not in the hyper specific way that people think it’ll tighten, lift, or radically create muscle growth. Variety in exercises to make sure the entire muscle group is strengthened can be incorporated into workout routines, but more variety doesn’t mean better/more gains. If you have a good program with a little bit of variety, it’s more important to focus on consistency and adding weight over time, rather than worry about tweaking exercises.

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I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl
bigger, stronger Adam Fisher bigger, stronger Adam Fisher

I Just Don't Like The Reverse Nordic Curl

The reverse nordic curl and the nordic curl have become especially popular recently becaue of the ongoing COVID pandemic and the fact that these are bodyweight exercises that can be done at home. Both of these exercises are tough and can be especially hard on the knees. The best thing you can do is listen to your body! If you don’t like an exercise or if it doesn’t feel right, there are plenty of alternatives out there.

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