Lifestyle Scope Creep
Scope creep, the accidental inflation of a project over time, can happen in many areas of work and personal life. When we let scope creep get out of hand, it can lead to overwhelming issues that create more work than necessary or undo progress we already made. Habit scope creep is when your habits take up more and more of your time that they start to have negative effects on your life like take up all your time, cause too much stress, or lead to burnout. One of the best ways to combat habit scope creep is to regularly assess if what you’re doing aligns with your goals and what’s important to you. Quitting and move on from things isn’t bad - it ensures that your valuable time is spent on what really matters.
How Lifting Made Me Smarter
Often, physical activity improves more of our lives than just our bodies, it helps our brains, too. Regular exercise can help with undertanding organization, practice, goal setting, and finding meaning in what you’re learning. When the things you learn personally mean something to you, it’s more likely you’ll retain that knowledge. Some of the physical benefits of lifting - energy regulation, improved sleep, and mood stabilization - helps us be more attentive and energetic, aiding in the learning process.
Solving The "Low Energy" Dilemma
Many exercisers struggle to exercise at the end of a long day, especially if they have demanding office jobs and inconsistent work schedules. Here are some strategies you can use to solve this common problem.