What Are Microworkouts?
Microworkouts are super short workouts that are usually only one or two exercises that are done until failure. They can be useful for targeting specific muscles and accessory work that would allow individuals to build muscle faster outside of their regular workouts. They can also be good for people who struggle to make time for longer workouts, but still want to add movement into their daily routines.

You Can Do Your Best Work In Your Underwear
I’m tired of elitism about when the best time to work is, or when the best time to sleep is, or what the ideal daily schedule looks like. Here’s why you shouldn’t care.

Why You Can't Just "Move More" To Lose Weight
It’s commonly believed that we can just continually increase exercise (“move more”) to manage our weight - the reality is that this approach, while possible, is far from optimal.

How Do We Get Injured?
How do people get injured? What can you do to prevent injury? What can you do to work around injury once you’ve got one? This post covers the general topic of injuries and what to do about them.

What Is the Ideal Number of Exercises Per Workout?
Should your workout be short, or long? How many exercises should you use? There's a lot of conflicting information out there - but the reality is that in most cases, it doesn't matter too much.